Never too early, never too late

The World Alzheimer's Month 2023 campaign, 'Never too early, never too late', will centre around risk factors and risk reduction.

The campaign theme for World Alzheimer’s Month 2023 is ‘Never too early never too late’.

The ‘Never too early, never too late‘ campaign aims to underscore the pivotal role of identifying risk factors and adopting proactive risk reduction measures to delay, and potentially even prevent, the onset of dementia. This includes ongoing risk reduction strategies for individuals who have already received a diagnosis.  

There is growing awareness that Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias can start many years prior to symptoms, likewise awareness of the lifelong brain health interventions and choices that can be made. With the global number of people living with dementia expected to triple by 2050, there has never been a more urgent need to understand and respond to the risk factors associated with this condition.   

Learn more about risk factors and risk reduction

Campaign materials

Materials for this year’s World Alzheimer’s Month campaign included a refresh campaign toolkit, as well as new, accompanying guides around organising events for awareness raising and fundraising, engaging with the media, working with governments and political decision makers and a dementia fact sheet, which are available in English, French and Spanish.

View the campaign toolkit 

In addition to our main campaign posters and social media cards for World Alzheimer’s Month, we have also made available posters around the individual risk factors for dementia, based off our 12 risk factors for dementia infographic.

Versions of the individual risk factors for dementia, in social media cards form, are also now also available to download.  

View the individual risk factor posters 

World Alzheimer Report 2023

Available on the 21st of September, this year’s World Alzheimer Report will take an in-depth look at risk reduction strategies for dementia. Crafted in a journalistic style and featuring key case studies, the report explores the vital steps individuals can take to mitigate their risk.

Learn more about the World Alzheimer Report