We have put together some of the most common questions around World Alzheimer’s Month, including when is World Alzheimer’s Day and what we do during the month of September.
If you would like to read some of the frequently asked questions around dementia and diagnosis, click here. Additionally, if you find that your question isn’t answered here, get in contact and we will try to help as best as we can.
When is World Alzheimer’s Month?
Started in 2012, World Alzheimer’s Month takes place every September. The decision to introduce a full month around dementia awareness and advocacy was made so that Alzheimer and dementia associations around the world would be able to extend their awareness programmes beyond World Alzheimer’s Day.
Read about previous World Alzheimer’s Month campaigns
When is World Alzheimer’s Day?
World Alzheimer’s Day is on 21 September. While World Alzheimer’s Month offers a longer period of time for Alzheimer or dementia associations worldwide to raise awareness, World Alzheimer’s Day marks the focal point of the Month and is the day that most global activity and awareness raising takes place. It is also often the day that ADI launches the World Alzheimer Report.
Why was 21 September selected as World Alzheimer’s Day?
World Alzheimer’s Day was launched at the opening of ADI’s annual conference in Edinburgh on 21 September 1994 to celebrate our 10th anniversary.
There are so many international days and months! What do they achieve?
World Alzheimer’s Month brings together people living with dementia, their carers and family, care and medical professionals, researchers and scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs, the media and more, from all around the world.
Each year has a key message or theme, which can be used to raise awareness, educate or challenge people’s misconceptions about dementia. September provides an opportunity for Alzheimer and dementia associations around the world to gain recognition and credibility for the work they do, placing themselves in a stronger position to influence opinion leaders and governments.
Having a globally coordinated awareness Month and Day also sends a strong message to governments and policy makers, alerting them of the fact that dementia is a serious health issue and one of the biggest health and social care crises of this century. As our previous reports have shown, dementia has and will have serious implications on services and health systems around the world as the world’s population grows older.
World Alzheimer’s Month is also an excellent opportunity to come together, share experiences and advice and also to have some fun!
Who is responsible for World Alzheimer’s Day and Month?
World Alzheimer’s Day is an initiative of ADI. Each year, ADI seeks financial support to produce and distribute World Alzheimer’s Day materials around the world, enabling members to organise events in their different countries.
View our 2022 campaign materials
What does ADI do during World Alzheimer’s Month?
ADI coordinates World Alzheimer’s Month and World Alzheimer’s Day around the world by producing and distributing awareness raising materials, including toolkits and encourages member associations and all individuals and organisations working in the sector to organise events throughout the month. This can be purely awareness raising, or advocacy in focus, a fundraiser, a conference, a seminar, a radio phone-in, a memory walk – anything that shines a light on dementia.
In 2009, ADI launched the first World Alzheimer Report on World Alzheimer’s Day and has launched additional reports across the following decade.
Learn more about the World Alzheimer Report
How can I participate in World Alzheimer’s Month?
There are many ways to get involved with World Alzheimer’s Month, whether it be sharing social media messages, getting involved in your local Alzheimer’s or dementia association’s activities, or making a small donation.
Find events taking place near you starting August 2022
Do I have to have dementia or care for someone with dementia to participate in World Alzheimer’s Month?
Absolutely not. One of the many joys of global campaigns is that they can inspire anyone, anywhere to get involved. The more people that participate, the more awareness around dementia is raised.
View the 2022 campaign toolkit for ideas on how to show support