
Increasing investment and innovation in dementia research is a key aim of ADI. Find out about the projects we are involved in.

One of the key strands of ADI’s mission is to increase investment and innovation in dementia research.

Facilitating research into treatments and hopefully a cure, plus research into improving care, underpins much of our advocacy work.

For over 10 years, ADI has tackled important dementia research issues through our World Alzheimer Reports, that provide the most comprehensive data on dementia worldwide, including prevalence and economic impact.

ADI is actively involved in a number of research projects:

  • WW-FINGERS: ADI is a partner in this project which builds on the successful experience of the FINnish GERiatric Intervention Study to prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability. The FINGER model was the first randomized controlled trial that demonstrated how to benefit cognition using a multi-domain lifestyle intervention among older at-risk individuals. The results highlighted the value of addressing multiple dementia risk factors as a strategy to protect brain health, and promote overall health and functioning. WW-FINGERS aims to test, adapt, and optimize the FINGER model in different settings, across populations from a variety of geographical and cultural backgrounds.
  • STRiDE project (Strengthening responses to dementia in developing countries): In partnership with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), ADI joined forces on the STRiDE project, whose aim is to build research capacity, develop research evidence into what interventions work most effectively, and to better understand the impact and cost of dementia. The project works across seven countries – Brazil, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico and South Africa – and 12 work packages. The four-year project aims to develop evidence to support development of national dementia plans and improve quality of life for people affected by dementia.
  • COGNISANCE Project: An EU Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). A 3-year project working in 5 countries, led by Henry Brodaty in Australia, with partners in Australia, Canada, Netherlands, UK, and Poland. ADI is an external collaborator. The project’s focus is to co-design dementia diagnosis and post diagnostic care; develop a tool-kit to be disseminated internationally; develop a set of standards to guide the diagnostic and post-diagnostic process.
  • CST International: ADI sits on the Advisory Board of this UCL (University College London) project focusing on work in Brazil, India, and Tanzania. The project will take place over three-years in four phases. The project will develop, test, refine and disseminate implementation strategies for people living with dementia – looking to increase quality of life and cognition, and to increase awareness and skills in the detection and management of dementia.
  • DISTINCT project: ADI is an external collaborator on this project of nine key academic partners. The aim is to develop a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional education and training research framework for Europe aimed at improving technology and care for people with dementia and their carers. ADI offers expertise in areas of community-based practice and national policies through participating in training and education of the early stage researchers (ESRs).
  • INDUCT project: Interdisciplinary network for dementia using current technology). A partnership across University of Nottingham, UCL, Maastricht University, University of Amsterdam, Karolinska Institutet, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Charles University, and IDES in Spain, INDUCT aims to develop a multi-disciplinary, inter-sectorial educational research framework for Europe to improve technology and care for people with dementia, and to provide the evidence to show how technology can improve the lives of people with dementia. ADI sits on the project’s supervisory board an provides training a yearly summer school focusing on turning research into policy. ADI also provided internship opportunities for two early career researchers.
  • The 10/66 Dementia Research Group are researchers who are redressing the fact that, when the group was created, less than 10% of all population-based research into dementia had been directed towards the 66% of people with dementia who live in developing countries. The group looks at the numbers of people with dementia, care arrangements and support services in developing countries.

In addition to our project-specific work, ADI continues to support and promote research into treatments and ultimately a cure for dementia. Through our Medical and Scientific Advisory Panel (MSAP), we maintain our close connection to cutting-edge research on drug development and often represent the patient and carer voice on advisory panels for clinical trials.

ADI proposes that, nationally, 1% of the societal cost of dementia should be devoted to funding research in basic science, care improvements, prevention and risk reduction, drug development and public health. Without significant investments in these areas of dementia research we will be unable to venture into new frontiers.

More information about research can be found on the web sites of Alzheimer’s Association (USA)Alzheimer’s Society (UK)Alzheimer Society of Canada, or the association in your country.

Related content

STRiDE project website

Project website for STRiDE (Strengthening responses to dementia in developing countries)

World Alzheimer Reports

The World Alzheimer Reports are a comprehensive source of global socioeconomic information on dementia. Each World Alzheimer Report is on a different topic, so the previous reports remain important sources of information on a range of topics of worldwide relevance.