What is this page for?
In response to the COVID-19 crisis ADI will be continually updating these web pages with advice, resources, case studies, tools and updates to help our network in their own responses.
For specific information relating to individual countries, please visit the websites of our members across 100 countries. Many of our members now have advice and support at national, regional and local levels on their website and many are continuing to run helplines, some with extended hours.
Older people, especially living with dementia, may become more anxious, angry, stressed, agitated, and withdrawn during the outbreak and it is easy to become overwhelmed with the scale and frequency of news updates. For those in quarantine these difficulties may be further exacerbated.
Whether you are a person living with dementia, a carer, a healthcare professional, or otherwise, we want to provide you with information that could help alleviate some of these challenges. We all need to provide and exchange practical and emotional support during this difficult time.
General resources
- ADI’s position paper on dementia and difficult decisions about hospital admission and triage
- ADI’s thought piece on age, dementia and the allocation of health resources during and beyond COVID-19
- WHO Civil Society Working Group on NCDs statement to WHO on NCDs and COVID-19 response
- WHO’s technical guidance on Clinical management of COVID-19
- WHO’s COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance
- UN Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on older persons
- Dementia Alliance International’s COVID-19 resources
- Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care (LTC) responses to COVID-19
- The Lancet article ‘Dementia care during COVID-19’ by Huali Wang, Paola Barbarino et al
- Up-to-date advice on COVID-19 from the WHO
- WHO WhatsApp alerts
- COVID Symptom Tracker
- WHO Information Note note on COVID-19 and noncommunicable diseases
- WHO guidance on Infection prevention and control guidance for long-term care facilities in the context of COVID-19
- USA – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s guide to coronavirus rumor control
- The Lancet COVID-19 resources centre
- World Health Assembly 73 recording
- Alzheimer’s Indonesia’s COVID-19 guidance & advice
Resources from Alzheimer and dementia associations
- USA – Alzheimer’s Association’s advice for family carers
- USA – Alzheimer’s Association’s Tips for Dementia Caregivers in Long-Term or Community-Based Settings
- New Zealand – Alzheimers New Zealand’s advice on supporting people with dementia
- UK – Alzheimer’s Society 24 hour online community to talk about COVID-19 impact on self/loved ones
- UK – Alzheimer’s Society’s information on COVID-19 for people with dementia
- Ireland – Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s online training for family carers
- China – Coronavirus epidemic and geriatric mental healthcare in China: how a coordinated response by professional organizations helped older adults during an unprecedented crisis
- Australia – Dementia Australia’s Dementia Help Sheets to navigate coronavirus COVID-19
- France – France Alzheimer’s advice for people with dementia and carers
- Indonesia/Netherlands – Stichting Alzheimer Indonesia Nederland’s advice on COVID-19
- Armenia – Alzheimer’s Care Armenia three-part series on caring for someone with dementia in a home setting: 1, 2 and 3
- Singapore – Alzheimer’s Disease Association’s advice and support
- Australia – The Australian Dementia Network’s guidance on Managing Memory Clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic