This is the ‘Obesity’ risk factor poster from the 12 risk factors for dementia infographic.
This poster can be used throughout and beyond World Alzheimer’s Month.
Versions in English, French and Spanish can be downloaded on the right-hand side of the page.
The central theme of this year’s World Alzheimer’s Month campaign, ‘Never too early, never too late‘, centres on the significance of risk factors and their reduction in the context of delaying and potentially preventing the onset of dementia.
The 2023 campaign also highlights the continued importance of risk reduction for individuals who have already received a dementia diagnosis.
Learn more about this year’s campaign
Learn more about the risk factors
If you are concerned about the warning signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it’s important to talk to your doctor.
For more information or guidance on where to start, contact your national association.
Find your national association