The 36th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International welcomed over 1000 delegates in Kraków, Poland from 24-26 April 2024, in collaboration with ADI member Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom z Chorobą Alzheimera (Polish Alzheimer’s Association).
Coming together under the conference theme of ‘Dementia: Insights. Innovations. Inspirations.’, the conference brought together experts, policymakers, advocates, those with live experience of dementia, and also royal ambassadors from across the world to share information on achievements, innovations and best practices in dementia research, care and policy, while continuing to address and challenge the perceptions around dementia.
The conference offered a hybrid format, combining in-person and virtual elements for an educational and interactive experience for delegates. The conference programme was structured around the 7 action areas of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Action Plan on dementia, which centre around policy, awareness, prevention and diagnosis, research, care and treatment of dementia.
Zbigniew Tomczak, President of the Polish Alzheimer’s Association, said: “We are delighted to co-host this prestigious conference for the first time in Poland. We strongly believe that it is an enormous opportunity to share knowledge and experience between people with dementia, family carers, Staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations, policy makers, medical and care professionals. I am looking forward to welcome the participants of the conference in Krakow in 2024!”
About the ADI conference
The ADI conference is proud to be the longest running international conference on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and one of the largest conferences, consistently attracting over 1,000 delegates from over 120 countries around the world.
The conference brings together all those with an interest; including researchers, care and medical professionals, people with dementia, family carers, scientists and staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations.
This unique, multi-disciplinary event is a favourite amongst leaders in the field and is a perfect opportunity to share and learn from one another. Featuring a range of leading international speakers, a high standard of diverse scientific and non-scientific content and exhibition, this conference is a great opportunity to learn about and showcase the latest advances in the care, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dementia, as well as dementia policies and dementia friendly communities.
I feel I have grown immensely from my attendance at your conference as I am now looking at new ways of building on my role as an advocate… you have allowed my dreams to become a reality. – William Yeates, Dementia Advocate, ADI 2022 delegate