World Alzheimer Report 2010
The global economic impact of dementia
The World Alzheimer Report 2010 examines the global economic impact of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, as well as building on the findings of the World Alzheimer Report 2009.
Reports, publications and resources that Alzheimer's Disease International has produced, including our World Alzheimer Report. You can also find our webinars, factsheets, booklets and previous Global Perspective newsletters here.
The World Alzheimer Report 2010 examines the global economic impact of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, as well as building on the findings of the World Alzheimer Report 2009.
The first World Alzheimer Report is a global prevalence study of dementia which examines the levels of mortality, disability and strain on carers, as well an extensive overview of dementia.
This manualised intervention aims to provide carers with basic education around dementia and specific training on managing behaviours that are problematic.
Creating an Alzheimer’s association is the most efficient way to achieve help for the largest possible number of people. An association helps to co-ordinate, guide and advise local activities. Once an organisation is up and running, it raises public awareness which leads to increased resources for both care and…
Commissioned by ADI, this research provides research evidence on the prevalence of dementia worldwide.
Factsheet on dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome and intellectual disabilities.
The aim of this booklet is to help you start and run a self-help group for caregivers of people with dementia. Such a group can offer support to caregivers as well as to other members of the family or friends who are also affected. One of the…