Reports & resources

Reports, publications and resources that Alzheimer's Disease International has produced, including our World Alzheimer Report. You can also find our webinars, factsheets, booklets and previous Global Perspective newsletters here.

Access to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by people living with dementia

Brief for Alzheimer associations

This document was created in collaboration with Dementia Alliance International (DAI), the international organization of people living with dementia, in order to enable Alzheimer associations to monitor the protection of the rights of persons with dementia under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Dementia Innovation Readiness Index 2017

The first Dementia Innovation Readiness Index, launched by the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA) and ADI, attempts to comprehensively measure innovation readiness in dementia, starting in the G7 countries.

World Alzheimer Report 2016

Improving healthcare for people living with dementia: Coverage, quality and costs now and in the future

The seventh World Alzheimer Report reviews research evidence on the elements of healthcare for people with dementia and argues that current dementia healthcare services are over-specialised and that a rebalancing is required with a more prominent role for primary and community care.

Alzheimers Disease International (ADI) - resource

Access to CRPD and SDGs by persons with dementia

In 2016, members of ADI agreed to adopt a rights-based approach to dementia advocacy in support of the ongoing efforts of DAI to guarantee the rights of people living with dementia globally. We published this booklet setting out our position and highlighting key points. The booklet sets out our position…