This event has now passed. A recording of the event will be made available soon.
Read the World Alzheimer Report 2021
The World Alzheimer Report 2021 will focus on the crucial and timely subject of diagnosis. Diagnosis is still a major challenge globally, with estimates that 90% of cases still go undiagnosed and with long wait times. We are at a pivotal moment with an evolution in diagnostics and potential treatment breakthroughs; meaning this is the perfect time to shine a light on the ‘Journey through the diagnosis of dementia’.
The report includes over 50 essays from leading experts around the world and is supported by findings from 3 key global surveys, including: 1,111 clinicians, 2,325 people with dementia and carers, and over 100 national Alzheimer and dementia associations.
The launch webinar for the report will feature a global panel of experts to discuss the key findings and recommendations, as well as a Q&A session. ADI CEO Paola Barbarino will chair the session, with report co-lead Dr Serge Gauthier introducing the key findings. The session will cover the changing face of diagnosis; the perspective of people living with dementia and carers; developments in cognitive assessment; the role of scanners, CSF and bio-markers, shining a light on confirmatory diagnosis in light of potential treatments; best practice and challenges in low- and middle- income countries; disclosure and the ongoing clinician role, and a look to the future.
ADI, will host the webinar with McGill University Research Centre in Studies in Aging and the McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, specifically the Division of Geriatric Medicine and the Dementia Education Program, supported by the Office of Education Technology and Online Learning at the Steinberg Centre for Simulation and Interactive Learning.