
News, blogs and stories from across the field of dementia, the work of Alzheimer’s Disease International and our members.

Featured news

ADI launches inaugural End of Year Forecast with Professor Jeff Cummings

On 10 December, ADI launched its inaugural End of Year Forecast, focusing on ‘Translating the Alzheimer's Treatment Revolution into Real World Solutions’. This event sought to highlight the new era for Alzheimer’s treatments and cut through the often confusing and cryptic information that is available to the general public. ADI is pleased to share the slide featured in this event. Make sure to scroll down the page to see all 127 Alzheimer’s treatments and their place in the pipeline.

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The impact of caregiving in LGBTQ+ communities

In this exercept from the essay 'The impact of caregiving in LGBTQ+ communities', from the World Alzheimer Report 2022, Julien Rougerie outlines the challenges of caregiving faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

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Living to the best of one’s ability

In this exercept from the essay 'Living to the best of one's ability', from the World Alzheimer Report 2022, Keith Oliver shares how the support of others has helped him to navigate life since his diagnosis 11 years ago.

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How COVID-19 changed caring for my father

In this blog, Shamayne Leelawati shares how her caring journey for her father changed after COVID-19 and how it inspired her to change the narrative around post-diagnostic care.

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Addressing stigma towards dementia in Kenya

As a part of the STRiDE project, the STRiDE Kenya team recently developed an anti-stigma toolkit and 'train the trainers' manual which aims to change the public perception around dementia in Kenya.

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Singing for the brain, community and world

In this blog from Peter Edwards, a Singing for the Brain™ Leader with Croydon Alzheimer’s Society (UK), Peter writes how one group of friends inspired a global singing project through their virtual singalongs during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.

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Improving well-being through cats, community and music

Desirée Vlekken, Founder of ADI member 4get-me-not (United Arab Emirates), writes about how the organisation is incorporating music and 'cat therapy' to improve the lives of people living with dementia, as well as cats in the community.

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Advice and support for those affected by the Ukrainian crisis

This page has been set up in response to the crisis taking place in Ukraine. Here you can find an overview of resources and support for people who have been affected by the crisis, directly and indirectly. We will be adding to this page regularly.

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