
News, blogs and stories from across the field of dementia, the work of Alzheimer’s Disease International and our members.

Featured news

Celebrating 40 years of ADI

This year, 2024 marks the 40th year of Alzheimer's Disease International and our work to secure a future that includes greater awareness of the condition, increased access to care, post-diagnostic support,and emerging treatments as well as a achieving a world without stigma. ADI invites our global community to celebrate with us on this momentous occasion with thanks to all who have been with us on this journey over four decades.

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Lived experience at the heart of innovation

ADI calls for lived experience to be central to innovation in the field of dementia diagnostics, treatment and care. In her short interview with Novartis, Paola Barbarino highlights key areas which innovators must consider when developing their products and service, from inception, to testing and ultimately bringing them to market; and reminds us not to forget that simple innovative changes can lead to great impact.

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