*Uganda* Hybrid Virtual and Physical Walk

Uganda Alzheimer’s Association (UAA) will be commemorating World Alzheimer’s Month by holding it first Memory Walk on 25 September starting at 10am (Uganda time). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic SOPs and restrictions still in place, it will be a ‘hybrid event’, a limited number meeting at Caffe Roma in Muyenga, Kampala, and setting off from there for ‘2-route walk’; a short route, more suited to elderly walkers and a longer route for the more energetic. Most walkers, however, will do so ‘virtually’ wherever they are, and upload their pictures to the UAA website.

UAA’s branded t-shirts and masks will be worn by ‘WAM 2021 Memory Walkers’

For further information, please contact Carol Ocama, Uganda Alzheimer’s Association at: cocama@ugandalzheimer.org