73rd World Health Assembly Statement from ADI
This is the statement submitted to the 73rd World Health Assembly from ADI on COVID-19 and dementia.
Reports, publications and resources that Alzheimer's Disease International has produced, including our World Alzheimer Report. You can also find our webinars, factsheets, booklets and previous Global Perspective newsletters here.
This is the statement submitted to the 73rd World Health Assembly from ADI on COVID-19 and dementia.
This webinar focuses on what a post-COVID world may look like for people living with dementia.
This page contains various materials offered in Serbian.
This webinar features key speakers from ADI's member associations who share their experiences of adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This paper provides an ethical backdrop around health resource allocation, quality of life and transparency in decision-making during COVID-19.
This paper provides guidance for people with dementia and their families, helping them to consider key issues when planning dementia care during COVID-19.
Advice and support during COVID-19 for people with dementia, their families, Alzheimer's and dementia associations, and care providers
During these unprecedented times, ADI is bringing together news, resources, stories, advice and support for anyone affected by dementia around the world. This page and others are be dedicated to resources relating to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and will be updated on a regular basis.