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Reports & resources

Reports, publications and resources that Alzheimer's Disease International has produced, including our World Alzheimer Report. You can also find our webinars, factsheets, booklets and previous Global Perspective newsletters here.

Improving Dementia Care Worldwide

Ideas and advice on developing and implementing a National Dementia Plan

This report has reviewed existing National Dementia Plans from around the world. It includes recommendations for governments on how a best practice plan should be developed and implemented.

World Alzheimer Report 2013

Journey of Caring: An analysis of long-term care for dementia

The World Alzheimer Report 2013 maps out the key components of continuing care and support for people with dementia, addressing some of the challenges in quality of care and the quality of life of those most affected.

World Alzheimer Report 2012

Overcoming the stigma of dementia

The World Alzheimer Report 2012 reveals stigma and social exclusion are major barriers for people with dementia and their carers.

Dementia: A Public Health Priority Cover

Dementia: a public health priority

This report provides the most authoritative overview of the impact of dementia worldwide, with the inclusion of the best practices and practical case studies from around the world.

World Alzheimer Report 2011

The benefits of early diagnosis and intervention

The World Alzheimer Report 2011 focuses on effective early intervention in the early stages of dementia and makes a strong economic argument in favour of earlier diagnosis and timely intervention.

World Alzheimer Report 2010

The global economic impact of dementia

The World Alzheimer Report 2010 examines the global economic impact of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, as well as building on the findings of the World Alzheimer Report 2009.

World Alzheimer Report 2009

The global prevalence of dementia

The first World Alzheimer Report is a global prevalence study of dementia which examines the levels of mortality, disability and strain on carers, as well an extensive overview of dementia.