Engaging with the media
This guide offers information on engaging with the media during World Alzheimer's Month as well as other awareness raising campaigns around Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Reports, publications and resources that Alzheimer's Disease International has produced, including our World Alzheimer Report. You can also find our webinars, factsheets, booklets and previous Global Perspective newsletters here.
This guide offers information on engaging with the media during World Alzheimer's Month as well as other awareness raising campaigns around Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
This guide is intended for Alzheimer and dementia organisations who are trying to establish contact with political decision makers and governments.
This guide offers information, advice and tips on organising events for fundraising and awareness events including World Alzheimer's Month.
The dementia fact sheet has top-line information around dementia, including key facts, statistics and the Global Action Plan on dementia.
This document expresses ADI’s high-level strategic objectives and outlines the ways we will seek to achieve them. It covers the period from July 2023 to June 2026.
This guide, developed by the co-lead authors of the World Alzheimer Report 2020, has been created to assist those using the World Alzheimer Report 2020 as a source for including the design of the built environment in national dementia plans.
There are over 50 million people with dementia worldwide as of 2020. An increasing proportion live in low and middle income countries. These estimates are based on the best currently available evidence as explained here.
This page contains various materials offered in Serbian.