
News, blogs and stories from across the field of dementia, the work of Alzheimer’s Disease International and our members.

Featured news

ADI launches inaugural End of Year Forecast with Professor Jeff Cummings

On 10 December, ADI launched its inaugural End of Year Forecast, focusing on ‘Translating the Alzheimer's Treatment Revolution into Real World Solutions’. This event sought to highlight the new era for Alzheimer’s treatments and cut through the often confusing and cryptic information that is available to the general public. ADI is pleased to share the slide featured in this event. Make sure to scroll down the page to see all 127 Alzheimer’s treatments and their place in the pipeline.

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Forward with Dementia: Improving post-diagnostic support

In this blog from Meredith Gresham of COGNISANCE, Meredith outlines how the Forward with Dementia campaign is helping to provide hope and support for people living with dementia and carers, as well as tools for more effective post-diagnostic support, in 5 countries.

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The journey of ADI Accreditation

In this blog, Amalia Fonk-Utomo writes about her experience as Head of Accreditation and the journey to Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau becoming the first ADI Accredited body.

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The built environment and national dementia plans

In this blog, the World Alzheimer Report 2020 authors discuss the creation of a new national dementia plan guide which aims to aid policymakers and interested people looking to include dementia-related design in their own national dementia plans.

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